Johannes Norling

Associate Professor of Economics

Mount Holyoke College


Google Scholar

Research in Progress

"Where People Die: Mortality Inequality Across US Counties, 1915 to 2022"


“‘Times Have Changed’: Household Spending in the United States During the 1918 Influenza Pandemic” (with Johan Fourie), Journal of Interdisciplinary History (forthcoming)  |  Working paper  |  Replication files

"Women’s Employment in the United States After the 1918 Influenza Pandemic" (with Johan Fourie), Journal of Economic & Business History, 42(1), November 2024, 38-58  |  Working paper  |  Replication files

Fertility Following Natural Disasters and Epidemics in Africa,” World Bank Economic Review, 36(4), November 2022, 955–971  |  Working paper  |  Replication files

Using Intentions to Predict Fertility,” Journal of Demographic Economics, 88(3), September 2022, 257–282  |  Working paper  |  Replication files

Correlates and Consequences of the 1918 Influenza in South Africa” (with Daniel de Kadt, Johan Fourie, Jan Greyling, and Elie Murard), South African Journal of Economics, 89(2), June 2021, 173–195

Education and Employment following Apartheid Protests,” Explorations in Economic History, 77, July 2020, 101329  |  Working paper  |  Replication files

The Consequences of the 1959–1961 Chinese Famine for Educational Attainment” (with Margaret J. Lay), The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 20(2), April 2020  |  Working paper

Family Planning and Fertility in South Africa under Apartheid,” European Review of Economic History, 23(3), August 2019, 365–395  |  Working paper  |  Blogged at African Economic History Network  |  Cited in Nature

Measuring Heterogeneity in Preferences over the Sex of Children,” Journal of Development Economics, 135, November 2018, 199–221  |  Working paper  |  Replication files  |  Blogged at The World Bank

Do Family Planning Programs Decrease Poverty?  Evidence from Public Census Data” (with Martha J. Bailey and Olga Malkova), CESifo Economic Studies, 60(2), June 2014, 312–337  |  Blogged at London School of Economics  |  Cited in The Atlantic

“The Young Adults in the Workplace Initiative: An Introduction” (with Deborah M. Galvin and William Schlenger), in Young Adults in the Workplace: A Multisite Initiative of Substance Use Prevention Programs, ed. Jeremy W. Bray, Deborah M. Galvin, and Laurie A. Cluff, RTI Press, March 2011, 1–13